Is this the future of EU?

It is 48-hour general strike i Greece. Things seems to get rough down there. You can follow the strike live here.
I guess we may call it food for thought when we ee these images from Greece, a euro-country. A few days ago we saw the man who, on behalf of investment bank Goldman Sachs led the effort to hide the real debt in Greece, being elected new chairman of the European Central Bank. Mario Draghi is now leading the central bank of Italy, and one of the key advocates of the idea of ​​a European common currency.

In order to understand anything of what has gone so financially wrong in Greece and other European countries, I think it is important to look at what our monetary system of today really is?

The illusion
Money is an illusion, and one of the greatest illusionist seems to have been those who created the euro. A common European fiat currency in countries as diverse in structure as well as in economic strength, as Germany and Greece, can only lead to one thing, the full collapse of the economically weaker country. The reason is very simple, they have no strength to back up the with the trust the fiat currency need. Only Germany and other strong countries can do that.

Only one power
Planned that way or not,  a European currency like euro is tailor-made for the strong nations to completely subjugate the weak. We know that the euro-zone only has one real financial power, Germany. Consciously or not, they have used the money trying to do what Hitler did with bombs and guns. The Lisbon Treaty is a clear indication. It is confusingly similar to Hitler’s plans for a joint Europe.

The future?
Now we see the results. In Greece some people are even talking about a military coup. The people of Greece are on strike, and summer has so far been both extra hot and smoky.

Are we looking into the future of EU? Police looking like soldiers in real war, with armed vehicles and heavy riot equipment, against a people who rightly feel more and more financially shanghaied by their own leaders and their colleagues in a union that definitely should have known better?

En kommentar om “Is this the future of EU?”

  1. Trur ikke vi trenger amputere oss vekk fra eøs/eu….?
    Dem amputerer seg vekk fra oss…?
    Norge må stå for seg selv i all selvstendighet.
    Især når man ser til hvor?, og hvem? alle norske milliarder fordufter hen….?
    Ser Norge noen stigmatiserende etablerende prosjekt-utvikling i eget rike, ved være tilkoblet dette…?
    Isåfall…..Hva da…?


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