Ascension Day: He will soon be back

What a stupid question! I know many will say that, and from a so-called non-Christian rational point of view this may be true. But how much of life is rational? Are we as humans only rational? Do we have more between heaven and earth than anyone believes? What do we really know about what we do not know?

Will stop evil
One day He will come back, the same way as he went away. He will come physically from the sky and down to earth. He will, with the power of his mouth top evil, and send the antichrist (in practice, Satan’s son) and his false prophet directly into the lake of fire. The lake most think of as hell. This will be megadramatic day, and definitely no joke. Anyone who has a had real opportunity to choose will then, according to the Bible have to take the consequences of their choices. For some, this day will be very unpleasant. This is not pleasant news, but it is the biblical truth.

It is important here to emphasize that this applies to those who have real opportunity to choose. No one is more righteous than Jesus.

We’ve got a choice
A loving God does not want His children to suffer this much. I do not know how often I’ve heard this. The majority of people who says this seems to be completely blocked to see  that we all actually have a choice. And that God can not We have also learned the consequences of each of the options, described in unequivocally clear.

We have two exits from this life, Heaven or Hell. Only those who never got any choice will be judged by their actions. Unfortunately I do not know what this will mean in practical terms. But it can hardly mean anytning else than for the ones that did never get a choice, there is another solution, if certain conditions are in place. Worse it will perhaps be for the Christians who never answered Gods calling and gave the non-belivers the message?

Although it is difficult to find a clear answer in the Bible to what will happen to those who never got the choice, Paul’s letter to the Romans, Chapter 2, verses 15-16 is interesting. Some have not gotten a chance to choose, but they have a conscience. How they have listened to it will decide what will happen when Jesus comes back to judge, both the living and the dead.

I hope I’m wrong
I know that many who read this will want a debate about hell. What is hell? We can be sure that hell is a place where God is totally gone. If we read in Revelation Chapter 20 verse 14-15, we will see an even more uncomfortable explanation. As a Christian I have no opinion about who (other than Satan and his closest) will be sent to the lake of fire. I have no right to judge anyone. But on Ascension Day it is in my opinion important to remind us all that He will soon return. To get a reminder that on that day we all must face the consequences of the choices we have made through or lives.

Anyone who believe in a different (and perhaps rational?) reality than this still I wish the best of luck living in their own faith. One day we’ll probably see who was right, the seculars or the Christians. I hope we Christians are wrong, because if we are right this can become a very difficult day for people who chose rational convenience for their life, in stead of the biblical truth.

Are you ready to find out which one of us are right?

4 kommentarer om “Ascension Day: He will soon be back”

  1. Interessant artikel H.C. og tak fordi du deler, læser det med glæde, for du skriver så jordnært….;-)

  2. “Hei HC!

    Jeg leste artikkelen og tror du har rett. Det er en ubehagelig sannhet og det er et sted som heter Ildsjøen. Men dit kommer ikke vi! Heldigvis finnes Guds rike fortsatt i blant oss og de som vil kan fortsatt be Herren, Jesus Kristus, om frelse og evig liv dersom de tror på hans oppstandelse. Godt er det å feire Kristi Himmelfart.

    Når det gjelder dette med Himmel og Helvete og hvem som havner der, så er Bibelen helt klar og tydelig på det. Og vi skal ikke legge skjul på at dette er en ubehagelig del av Bibelen. Men kan vi egentlig klandre Gud? Gud har gjort alt i stand så vi skulle få oppleve rettferdigheten, når han dømmer de onde og reiser opp de gode; så har dem i lange tider hatt muligheter til omvende seg hele tiden. De skal spørre Herren den dagen, og han skal svare dem med sitt ord, det samme som står i evangeliet.

    Måtte de bare vite å vende om til Jesus snart. Vi får holde fast på Guds ord og budet: «Vi skal elske hverandre.» Håper du får det ordentlig til med denne nettsiden din! Vis dem retten, så skal Gud være med deg.

    Gud velsigne deg!


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