New financial system allegedly will redistribute the wealth of the world

Even if some websites has talked about it for a long time, few has brought forward the idea that the world will be refinanced after the long awaited financial system has been put in place. This seems like an idea so crazy, so very few believes it. Who has the money for this project? And why should they give them to others? But maybe the world is not exactly what we think it is?

I have studied this redistributing project for quite a few years now, and I sincerely believe it to be real. Even though some details that has come out may not be right, I believe the main idea is.

Abused their right
This idea seems to be that the powers that has run this world for the last 3-400 years have grossly abused their rights. Now the real goldowners seem to say that enough is enough. The illusion of money has been used as a tool of power to start enough wars and has killed enough people. Just for the benefit of the big pockets of some wannabee banking families. The real and divinely blessed powers of this world (God only knows who they are, but they seem to be some very old dynasty families) allegedly decided quite a few years ago that this has to stop, and from all I see and believe it will.

All paper based assets will be destroyed
From all I can see we are as we speak approaching the endroad of this plan, a plan that put in the simplest of terms will destroy all paper based assets of the world. This includes the money system as we know it. We will still have money in the new system, but they will no longer be based on the IOU idea (see the NOTE on the picture). Which in all practical terms means farewell to the debt based money system the powers of today has built their power on.

2 kommentarer om “New financial system allegedly will redistribute the wealth of the world”

  1. Men hvem kommer da til å ha makten. Er det en samling mennesker/familier som har mer eller mindre lik innflytelse. Eller sitter det en «på toppen» som kan korrumperes? Sorry, etter å ha sett de siste års skandaler, er troen min på en rettferdig verden tynnslitt..

    Jeg er iallefall glad for å tro på en Gud som ikke lar seg bestikke på noen som helst måte! Naivt? Ja, kanskje det – men har du sett på alternativene?

  2. Problemet verden ser i dag er vel ikke i første omgang den gjeld som privatpersoner og stater har påtadt seg, men heller den terskel av kostnader det medfører å låne penger. Hær har man etablering og renter som den største fiende av den sunne fornuft og mellommenneskelig moral.
    Ingen kan vel med sjela og fornuften fanget si at de synest rente og disse kostnader er rettferdig ? man kan jo bare se på et normalt lån. dær koster det deg i dag det dobbelte av det du låner. hvor er retferdigheten i dette ??


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