An Open Secret: How To Watch the Child Abuse Documentary Hollywood ‘Doesn’t Want You to See’

From the Guardian:

A documentary about an alleged paedophile ring in Hollywood has been viewed more than 3 million times after creators released it for free.


Director Amy Berg, who won an Oscar for her film Deliver Us From Evil about sex abuse in the Catholic church, obtained information with her team about an alleged group of child abusers in Hollywood, including managers, agents, publicists and directors.

It tells of lavish parties where men allegedly gave boys drugs and alcohol before «trading» them for sex. Others were accused of spending years earning the trust of victims’ families, grooming them, then sexually assaulting them.

One interview features Evan Henzi, who says he was 11-years-old when his manager Martin Weiss began molesting him.

Weiss pleaded no-contest in 2012 to two counts of child molestation and was sentenced to a year and a half in jail with five years probation.

Henzi, who is now 24, said: «I shared my story in An Open Secret so other victims who have been molested for years just like me can heal.

«When the film was released, I witnessed a lot of support by people who actually saw the film. What I did not witness was support from film festivals or Hollywood at large to promote the film.»

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In light of the long awaited revelations of sexual abuse in Hollywood finally being reported ESPONDA PRODUCTIONS presents AN OPEN SECRET for free for a limited time. A film about the sexual abuse of children in the entertainment industry in Hollywood. Please support our efforts of raising awareness by sharing with your friends and colleagues. #AnOpenSecret #BeCourageous #ReportIt #LifeGetsBetter. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @AnOpenSecret.


Esponda Productions LLC is the author of this motion picture for purposes of copyright and other laws.

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