Dette er hva «klovnen» Trump egentlig gjør

Tiden er inne for å se hva Donald Trump virkelig gjør, ikke bare høre på og irritere seg over hans merkelige uttalelser. For ikke å snakke om å prøve å dekryptere tvetydigheten i hvordan og hvorfor han gjør det han gjør. Det er min påstand at denne  ultrakontroversielle presidenten har en mye mer gjennomtenkt og …

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President Donald J. Trump Proclaims May 1, 2018: A Return To Law

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims May 1, 2018, as Law Day, U.S.A. Law & Justice Issued on: April 30, 2018 On Law Day, we celebrate our Nation’s heritage of liberty, justice, and equality under the law.  This heritage is embodied most powerfully in our Constitution, the longest surviving document of its kind.  The Constitution established …

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President Trump Issues Proclamation: A Return to Law

  Proclamations President Donald J. Trump Proclaims May 1, 2018, as Law Day, U.S.A. Law & Justice Issued on: April 30, 201 On Law Day, we celebrate our Nation’s heritage of liberty, justice, and equality under the law.  This heritage is embodied most powerfully in our Constitution, the longest surviving document of its kind.  The …

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They Are Killing Small Business: The Number Of Self-Employed Americans Is Lower Than It Was In 1990

After eight long, bitter years under Obama, will things go better for entrepreneurs and small businesses now that Donald Trump is in the White House?  Once upon a time, America was the best place in the world for those that wanted to work for themselves.  Our free market capitalist system

The Dow Plunges 372 Points As Trump Impeachment Talk Reaches A Fever Pitch On Capitol Hill

The wolves are circling, and members of Congress from both political parties are now openly talking about impeaching President Trump.  On Wednesday, speculation of a looming Trump impeachment sent stocks plunging.  The Dow was down 372 points, and the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq both experienced their largest declines in

Michael Snyder Is Calling For An Army Of Pro-Trump Activists To Run For Office All Over America

It is really easy to sit back and complain about the direction of this country, but what America really needs at this hour are men and women that are willing to step into the fight to save our constitutional republic.  As I have said before, getting Donald Trump elected was

Why There Will NEVER Be A Political Solution To America’s Problems

Why do things never seem to change no matter who we send to Washington?  It seems like for decades many of us have been trying to change the direction of this country by engaging in the political process.  But no matter how hard we try, the downward spiral of our

The Democrats Won This Round, And It Wasn’t Even Close…

We have just witnessed one of the greatest routs in modern American political history.  We are still waiting to see if a spending agreement can be reached so that a government shutdown at midnight on Friday can be averted, but whether a shutdown actually happens or not, the Democrats have

The Democrats Get Trump And The Republicans To Fold, And That Means There NEVER Will Be A Border Wall

Well, that didn’t take long.  Yesterday I reported that the Democrats were threatening to force a government shutdown if money for a border wall was included in the bill to fund the government, and one day later Donald Trump has unconditionally surrendered.  Despite all of Trump’s promises, a border wall

Democrats: Trump Must Surrender On Funding For A Border Wall To Avoid A Government Shutdown On His 100th Day In Office

Is Donald Trump going to unconditionally surrender to the Democrats and completely give up his dream of building a border wall in order to avoid a government shutdown on his 100th day in office?  As I have warned before, the Democrats are perfectly willing to force a government shutdown if