Nytt finanssystem vil angivelig omfordele rikdommen i verden

Selv om noen nettsteder har snakket om det i lang tid, har få brakt frem ideen om at verden vil bli refinansiert etter at det etterlengtede finansielle systemet har blitt satt på plass. Dette virker som en idé så gal, så svært få tror det. Hvem har penger til dette prosjektet? Og hvorfor skulle de gi dem til andre? Men kanskje verden ikke er akkurat det vi tror det er?

New financial system allegedly will redistribute the wealth of the world

Even if some websites has talked about it for a long time, few has brought forward the idea that the world will be refinanced after the long awaited financial system has been put in place. This seems like an idea so crazy, so very few believes it. Who has the money for this project? And why should they give them to others? But maybe the world is not exactly what we think it is?

The Kyoto agreement seems to be dying

Japan, Russia and Canada have, according to Times of India reported that they will not join next round of the ((Kyoto Protocol)). U.S. still refuses to sign, and Europe will only continue if those who now have said no change their minds. Kyoto seems to have evolved into more of a political «chicken» game, and you should have an exceptionally strong faith to believe in a life of the ((Kyoto Protocol)) after 2012.

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Secrets of big dirty money

The Russian CNN-competitor Russia Today has made a very interesting documentary about the «secrets of big dirty money». About money laundering for the benefit of dictators and other dark forces. But are they the only ones playing this game? You will find the video here.

Konservative Erna og kronprisen er på Bilderberg 2011

Enten det er mangel på visdom, mangel på innsikt eller bare at de tror de årlige Bilderberg-møtene er et sted hvor du kan gjøre verden bedre, vet jeg ikke. Men siden vi for første gang får en offisiell deltakerliste knyttet til årets Bilderberg-møte, vet vi at Høyres partileder Erna Solberg, kronprins Haakon, rektor ved Universitetet i Oslo Ole Petter Ottersen og den alltid tilstedeværende Egil Myklebust deltar fra Norge i 2011.

Conservative Erna and the crownprince is at Bilderberg 2011

Whether it’s lack of wisdom, lack of insight or simply that they believe the annual Bilderberg-meetings are a place where you can make the world better I do not know. But since, as far as I know, we for the first time get an official participant list attached to this year’s Bilderberg meeting, we know that the Conservative Party Leader Erna Solberg, Crown Prince Haakon, Headmaster of the University of Oslo Ole Petter Ottersen and the always attending Egil Myklebust are participating from Norway in 2011.