Norwegian PM Erna Solberg and her elite friends’ plans to use the corona to create their world order

The World Economic Forum in Davos will build a new world order, and sees the so-called corona pandemic as the opportunity to achieve this. Erna Solberg’s former foreign minister Børge Brende is director of the forum. His boss Klaus Schwab adds in the video that Solberg’s «vaccine babies» GAVI and CEPI are central to establishing this new world order.

The video MUST be seen! Here is shown, with video evidence what Erna Solberg and her friends are using the corona crisis for. Can we also assume why nothing but vaccines seems to be accepted treatment for the corona-virus? How can we trust our leaders after this?

Let it be absolutely clear that this is not about whether you are for or against vaccines. This is about leaders who will clearly abuse what was once a revolutionary good treatment for and prevention of several diseases.

Do we stand together for humanity, or should the monetary elite be given a free way to establish their world order?

Their solution should come on the table in January! Can we stand together already now?

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