Microsoft will «force» their worldview on their vendors

Microsoft will enhance the information it shares about its vendors’ commitment to social and environmental policies, programs and performance in its annual Citizenship Report. Bluntly put it can hardly be read any different than that the MS vendors will be forced to follow the political correct Microsoft worldviews in all their marketing etc.. Their own view on the challenges of this world will not be allowed.  Denne saken kommer forhåpentligvis etter hvert i en norsk utgave også.

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Use IP telephony even where they have blocked it

I have been in doubt about publishing the information you will find in the pressrelease below. There may be good reasons to block the use of IP telephony in a network, especially if the network is owned privately. No one is allowed to steal. On the other hand we have also seen so much abuse of customers, regarding refusal of use of Skype etc.. So I decided, in spite of my doubt to tell about this new «IP telephony block» killer.

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